Friday, November 27, 2020

Religion Misunderstood (Poem)

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد 

This is a poem about the mental condition and the understanding of the religion by many who claim to be practicing Islaam. This is based on an Urdu poem by the prose writer, Altaf Hussain Haali. His book, “Mussadas-e-Haali” was the most famous book of the 20th century in Muslims of India during the reign of the British. The book examines the state of social and moral degradation prevalent in the contemporary Muslim society, for it contained the mistakes and the reasons for the downfall of the Muslim empire in India. This book was used for upraising the morale of Muslims. But in our age this is not limited to India alone, this can be widely applied everywhere, throughout the world, wherever the Muslims live. (Disclaimer: This is not an exact translation but I relied on that extensively with a few additions and modifications).