Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Trials Through Good And Evil:

 (Or The Trials Through Prosperity And Poverty)

 بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد

﴿كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَنَبْلُوكُم بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ﴾

{Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall test you with evil and with good by way of trial. And to Us you will be returned} [Surah al-Anbiyaa (21): 35]

Ibn Rajab رحمه الله commented, saying:
“Allaah تعالى has made everything that afflicts a person – either good or bad – a Fitnah (trial), meaning it is a calamity by which everyone will be put to test.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Explanation Of Hisn Al-Muslim: Author's Intro

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد

Ithaaf al-Muslim bi Sharh Hisn al-Muslim
(Gifting A Muslim With Explanation Of Fortress Of The Muslim)

By: Shaikh Sa`eed Ibn `Alee Ibn Wahf al-Qahtaanee رحمه الله.


Introduction by the Author:

Shaikh Sa`eed Ibn `Alee Ibn Wahf al-Qahtaanee رحمه الله said: 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Explanation Of Hisn Al-Muslim: Translator's Intro

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد

Ithaaf al-Muslim bi Sharh Hisn al-Muslim
(Gifting A Muslim With Explanation Of Fortress Of The Muslim)

By: Shaikh Sa`eed Ibn `Alee Ibn Wahf al-Qahtaanee رحمه الله.


Introduction by the Translator:

The Book “Hisn al-Muslim” (حصن المسلم – Fortress Of The Muslim) needs no introduction. It has become a household name for every Muslim who loves the authentic Sunnah. For the past few decades, it has been a go-to book for many Muslims who wanted to learn the authentic Ad`iyah (sing. Du`aa, supplications) and Adhkaar (Allaah’s remembrance) that are intended to be said at certain times and places.