Thursday, November 3, 2011

Refuting, innovations and innovators, is from the Religion of Islaam

Refuting, innovations and innovators, is from the Religion of Islaam
Translated by Rasheed Barbee

بـسـم الله والحـمـد لله والـصلاة والـسـلام عــلى رسـول الله، وبـعـد

Refutations are from the Religion of Islaam. By the Noble Scholars:

* The Mufti Shaikh `Abdul `Azeez Aal-Shaikh
* Shaikh Zaid Al-Madhkhali
* Shaikh Saaleh Fawzaan
* Shaikh Rabee` Al-Madhkhali

The following is a summary translation taken from

Question to the Mufti Shaikh `Abdul `Azeez Aal-Shaikh:

Question: What do you say concerning the one who says: Verily refutations against the people of innovations and misguidance, was not from the practice of the Salaf, and the books of refutations are not befitting to be distributed except between the students of knowledge and they should not be distributed to other than them?

Answer: Refutations upon the people of innovations is from jihaad in the cause of Allaah, and protection for the legislation of Islaam from having something attached to it that is not from it. Thus authoring the books, printing them, and distributing them are correct, and it is calling to the truth, and jihaad in the cause of Allaah.

Thus, whoever presumes that printing the books and spreading the books that refute the innovators is an innovation, then he is in error; because Allaah سبحانه وتعالى said: {Oh Prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be severe against them}. [Surah al-Tahreem (66):9]

Therefore jihaad is with the hand, the tongue, and wealth. From jihaad with the tongue is to defend the legislation of Islaam and to protect it from every fabrication, from the doubts and falsehood; included in this is warning from innovation and calling to the truth.

For this reason Imaam Ahmad رحمه الله and other than him produced books warning from the innovators. Imaam Ahmad authored a treatise entitled “The refutation upon the hypocrites.” So he clarified their doubts and answered every doubt they came with. Al-Bukhaaree رحمه الله authored his book “The actions of the servants are created”. And other than them from the Imaams of Islaam have authored refutations upon the innovators and rebutted their falsehood and established the arguments against them.

Also Shaikh al-Islaam (ibn Taymiyyah) رحمه الله authored refutations upon the Raafidah in his well known book, “The methodology of the Prophetic Sunnah in demolishing the statements of the shia and the qadariya”, and he clarified the falsehood and misguided they are upon.

Question to Shaikh Zaid Al Madhkhali

Question: Oh noble Shaikh! There is a statement that refutations between the people of knowledge distract from seeking knowledge, so is this statement correct?

Answer: This doubt is false and from the deceptions placed upon the people and I don’t think this statement is circulating from a person who has any portion of knowledge, because the books of refutations are present, distributed, printed, and read since the first generations until our present time.

The one who reads the refutations of Imaam Ahmad رحمه الله upon the Jahmiyah and hypocrites and the refutations of Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله and Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله will find the bulk of their works contain refutations upon the people of deviance to include the Jews, Christians, the people of innovation such as the Jahmiyah, Mutazila, Ash`arees, Maturidiya, and Kulabiya. They contain refutations upon the people who say Allaah is one with His creation, refutation upon the sufees and other than them which are too many to mention in this sitting.

Therefore the books of refutations are jihad in the cause of Allaah; rather Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله considers refuting the people of innovations and desires greater than jihaad on the battle field. This is because jihaad on the battle field, you find that many of the people embark upon this kind of jihaad, many people are courageous, scholars and those from the laymen.

As for jihaad with knowledge and the tongue, by bringing the argument and evidence to the people of innovation, misguidance, and desires, no one embarks upon this; no one is suitable for this except for the firmly rooted scholars. Thus it becomes obvious that the people of knowledge have virtue over those who fight on the battle field.

Therefore: If this statement comes from an ignorant person it is incumbent upon him to learn, and if it comes from a person who claims to have knowledge then he is either a person with compound ignorance or a person of deception thus it becomes incumbent to warn against him; and Allaah knows best.

Question to Shaikh Fawzaan

Question: Do refutations upon the people of falsehood harden the hearts, because there are some people who distance us from the books of the people of knowledge that contain refutations upon the people of falsehood?

Answer: Leaving off refutations is what hardens the heart, because doubts will enter the hearts, thus they will harden. As for refuting them, and clarifying the truth then this is what softens the hearts and returns them to the truth.

Therefore do not pay attention to the likes of these false statements which originate from people who wish to promote falsehood and doubts without raising objects to it or refuting it; and they say this is freedom of opinion, this is another opinion. This is an opinion and this is another opinion meaning the religion will become opinions. The religion does not contain opinions it contains revelation from Allaah the Exalted, revelation from the All Wise, Worthy of all praise.

Allaah has not entrusted us to our opinions or intellects, rather He commanded us to follow the Book and the Sunnah, to gain an understanding of them, to work by them, and to refute that which opposes them from the doubts and false statements. If it were not for the refutations upon the people of falsehood the truth would not be aided and the truth would not be clarified to the people.

But I say, and I continue to say, no one refutes these issues except the people of knowledge. As for the leaner, the student of knowledge, and the one who pretends to have knowledge it is not permissible for him to refute these issues; because perhaps he will refute with ignorance consequently his refutation will be more evil than what he was refuting. Because the refutation not based upon knowledge; its evil becomes more the refutation.

Therefore I say, no one refutes except the people of knowledge, those firmly grounded in knowledge, those who refute with knowledge, arguments and evidence. As for those who are not firmly grounded in knowledge then they do not refute the doubts, because perhaps the refutation will be more corrupt than what is being refuted.

Question to Shaikh Rabee

Question: What do you say oh Sheik to the one who says too much talk about Manhaj hardens the heart?

Answer: Meaning that a lot of talk about the Manhaj and correcting it and studying it hardens the heart, but calling to myths, and innovations, and misguidance and to the ideas of the khawaarij softens the heart---Mashaa-Allaah!!!

The Da`wah to the Manhaj; calling to the Book of Allaah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, and what is contained in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, from the belief system (`Aqeedah), and the acts of worship, and the actions, and correcting the Manhaj is a great affair that must be done and there is a lot of misguidance concerning this Manhaj.

And no matter how much the person was to speak about it, his efforts would be minuscule in relation to what is required in this affair. Now when we speak about the Manhaj does it reach every Muslim?!!

But speech upon the methodology of (Jamaat) Tableegh or upon the methodology of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen), or the methodology of the people who are astray or the methodology of the people of bid`ah, or myths, or deviated creeds and politics and socialism and ideological beliefs, this Mashaa-Allaah softens the heart!!!!

Is this a correct statement? This foolish statement is not able to stand up to the true Islaamic Manhaj, Allaah bless you.

Translated by Rasheed Barbee


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