بسم الله
والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
، وبعد
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه
الله said:
“And it is known, to the
specific and the people in general, that the Fitnah of listening to music and
singing is greater than the Fitnah of lamenting* by a large degree.
And what we have
witnessed, we and those other than us, and what we came to know through
experience is that: Singing and musical instruments have not appeared in a
nation, and it spread among them, and they got busy in them, except that Allaah
تعالى allowed the
enemies to overpower them and afflicted them with famine, poverty and corrupt
The person of sound
intellect contemplates and sees the state the world is in – and Allaah’s help
is sought.”
[Madaarij al-Saalikeen (1/496)]
*Lamenting by wailing loudly, beating the cheeks and
tearing the clothes are from the acts of the days of ignorance (Jaahiliyyah). In
those days women were hired to wail at the death of someone.
Masha Allah Brother