بسم الله
والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
، وبعد
من لم يستطع الوقوف بعرفة ، فليقف عند حدِّ الله الذي عرفه ،
ومن لم يستطع المبيت بمزدلفة ، فليبيت عزمه على طاعة الله ليقربه ويزلفه ،
ومن لم يقدر على نحر هديه بمنى ، فلينحر هواه هنا ليبلغ به المنى ،
ومن لم يستطع الوصول للبيت لأنه منه بعيد، فليقصد رب البيت فإنه أقرب إليه من حبل الوريد
A simple translation, even though all the rhyming is lost
(or maybe I'm not that great in translating stuff). Anyways, this is the PRICE
(and not a prize) for those for not learning Arabic:
Whoever cannot STAND on
(the plains of) `Arafah -- then let him STAND within the boundaries of
Allaah تعالى that He has set.
Whoever cannot STAY (the night) in
Muzdalifah -- then let him be determined to STAY obedient to
Allaah to draw near and closer to Him.
Whoever cannot SACRIFICE
his animal in Minaa -- then let him SACRIFICE his desires here (in this world)
so that he reaches with it al-Minaa (the place of greater gathering - the Hereafter).
Whoever is not able to reach the
HOUSE (the Ka`bah) because it is far away from him -- then let him seek
the Lord of the HOUSE, for He تعالى is closer to him than his
jugular vein.
[Adopted from Lataaif al-Ma`aarif (1/287)]