Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shaikh `Abdul Mohsin al-`Abbaad: I do not know

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد
All praise is for Allaah alone. Yesterday, Friday, November 22, 2013, Shaikh `Abdul Mohsin al`Abbaad حفظه الله began his Dars (study circle) on the great book: “Saheeh Muslim”. The first day was an introduction to this great book and this great Imaam, Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaaj رحمه الله.

The Shaikh حفظه الله mentioned a lot of things, all from his memory: Imaam Muslim’s birth, his death, the total number of Ahaadeeth in his Saheeh, and the number of Ahaadeeth without repetition. The Shaikh, Allaah reward him with good, mentioned so many things, all from memory. Anyone who had listened to him yesterday would be amazed at the level of knowledge, memorization and understanding of the Shaikh حفظه الله.

But when the Q&A session came, in the very first question he was asked:

“Was the death of Imaam Muslim caused due to overeating of dates? How much true is this?”

This mountain of knowledge, in front of 100s of students of knowledge, in Masjid al-Nabawee, had only two words in reply: لا أدري (I do not know).

He did not shy away to say that he doesn’t know about it. It did not matter to him his age or his status in the society. He did not beat around the bush by saying: “oh it is said…” or “I heard…”. It was a straightforward two words reply: لا أدري.

This is the simplicity of the scholars. They speak when they have knowledge and they remain silent when they don’t know.

Then there are those arrogant people, who might have just climbed the first step of the ladder of seeking knowledge; when they come in the public, over the stage, in front of the mic, they would rush to answer each and every question, whether they know the answer or not. For them, it is against their honor to say: I don’t know.

Allaah save us from such arrogance and keep us away from such arrogant people.

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