بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد
The Virtues Of Gatherings Where Allaah Is Remembered And The Study Circles Where The Religion Is Taught:
Many Aḥaadeeth mention the virtues of such gatherings where Allaah is remembered. The following are seven such narrations:
19 (First) - Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه
narrated: Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ said: ❝Allaah
has Angels who go about on the roads and paths seeking those who remember
Allaah. When they find some people who remember Allaah (and praise Him), they
call each other, saying: “Come to the object of your pursuit.” Then the Angels surround
them with their wings (till the space between them and) the lowest heaven (is
fully covered). (After these people disperse and the Angels go back), their
Lord asks them (those Angels) - though He knows better than them - {What do My slaves say?}
The Angels reply: “They are glorifying Your praise by saying: the Tasbeeḥ (Sub-ḥaan
Allaah), the Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar), the Taḥmeed (Alḥamdulillaah), the Tamjeed,
(i.e., they were declaring Your Perfectness, praising, remembering Your
Greatness and Majesty).” Allaah then asks: {Did
they see Me?} The Angels reply: “No! By
Allaah, they have not seen You.” Allaah asks: {How
would they act if they were to see Me?} The Angels
reply: “If they were to see You, they would worship You more devoutly, and
glorify You more deeply, and extol You (and declare Your freedom from any
resemblance to anything) much more.” Allaah says (to the Angels): {What do they seek from Me?} The Angels reply: “They beg You for Paradise.” Allaah
says (to the Angels): {Have they seen it?} The Angels say: “No! By Allaah, O Lord! They have not
seen it.” Allaah says: {How would it have
been if they saw it?} The Angels say: “Were
they to see it, they would have been more intensely eager for it, would have
asked more earnestly for it, and would have had a greater desire for it.” Allaah
says: {From what do they seek protection?} The Angels reply: “They seek protection from the (Hell)
Fire.” Allaah says: {Have they seen it?} The Angels say: “No By Allaah, O Lord! They did not see
it.” Allaah says: {How would they act if
they were to see it?} The Angels say: “If
they were to see it, they would be more earnest in fleeing from it and would
have extreme fear from it.” Then Allaah says: {I
make you witnesses that I have forgiven them.}❞ Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ further said: ❝One of the Angels
would say: “There was so-and-so amongst them, and he was not one of them, but
he had just come for some need (and he sat with them).” Allaah would say: {They are people who are seated together, and he who sits
with them will not be miserable.}❞ [1]
20 (Second) - Imaam Muslim narrated the Ḥadeeth with
these wordings: The Prophet ﷺ said: ❝Indeed,
Allaah تبارك وتعالى has additional
Angels who go about on earth – [these are Angels in addition to the
Kuttab (scribes) of people] – who seek out assemblies
of Dhikr and when they find such assemblies in which there is Dhikr (of Allaah)
they sit in them, and some of them surround the others with their wings till
the space between them and the sky of the world is fully covered, and when they
disperse (after the assembly of Dhikr is adjourned) they go upward to the
heaven and Allaah عز وجل asks
them although He تعالى is best informed about them:
{Where are you coming from?} They will say: “We come from (some of) Your servants
upon the earth who had been glorifying You (saying Sub-ḥaan Allaah), uttering Your
Greatness (saying Allaahu Akbar) and uttering Your Oneness (Laa ilaaha illallaah)
and praising You (saying al-Ḥamdulillaah) and beseeching You.” He تعالى says: {And what do they ask of Me?} They will say: “They ask of You (to enter) Your Paradise.”
He تعالى
would say: {Have they seen My Paradise?} They will say: “No, our Lord.” He تعالى
will say: {And how would it be if they were
to see My Paradise?} They (the Angels) will
say: “They seek Your protection.” He تعالى will say: {Against what do
they seek My protection?} They will say: “From
Your Hell-Fire, O Lord!” He تعالى will say: {And have they
seen My Hell-Fire?} They say: “No!” He تعالى
will say: {And how would it be were they to
have seen My Hell-Fire?} They will further say:
“And they ask for Your forgiveness.” He تعالى will say: {I have forgiven
them, and have bestowed upon them what they have asked for, and I grant them
protection against which they seek protection.}
They will say: “O Lord, among them is so-and-so, a much sinning servant, who
was merely passing by and sat down with them.” He تعالى will say: {And to him [too] I have granted forgiveness, for he who
sits with such people shall not suffer.}❞ [2]
21 (Third) - Al-Agharr Abee Muslim narrated: I bear
witness to the fact that both Abu Hurairah and Abu Sa`eed al-Khuḍhree رضي الله عنهما were present when
Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ said: ❝No
people sit in a gathering remembering Allaah, except that they are surrounded
by Angels and covered by mercy, and tranquility descends upon them, and Allaah
remembers them before those who are with Him.❞ [3]
22 (Fourth) - Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه
narrated: Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ said: ❝Whoever
removes a worldly grief from a Believer, Allaah will remove from him one of the
griefs of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever alleviates the need of a needy
person, Allaah will alleviate his needs in this world and the Hereafter.
Whoever shields [or hides the misdeeds of] a Muslim, Allaah will shield him in
this world and the Hereafter. Allaah will aid His slave as long as he aids his
brother. And whoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allaah will make
a path to Paradise easy for him. No people gather together in one of the Houses
of Allaah, reciting the Book of Allaah and studying it among themselves, except
that Sakeenah (tranquility) descends upon them, mercy envelops them, the Angels
surround them, and Allaah mentions them amongst those who are with Him. And
whoever is slowed down by his actions will not be hastened forward by his
23 (Fifth) - Anas Ibn Maalik رضي الله عنه
narrated that the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ
said: ❝There is no group of people who gather to remember Allaah
- intending thereby nothing but His Countenance (and Pleasure) - except that a
caller calls out to them from the heaven: “Arise, you have been forgiven. Your
evil deeds have been replaced with good deeds.”❞ [5]
24 (Sixth) - Sahl Ibn Ḥanẓhaliah رضي الله عنه [6] narrated that the Prophet ﷺ
said: ❝No people sit in a gathering remembering Allaah عز وجل
therein, and then they get up (to leave), except that it is said to them:
“Arise! Allaah has pardoned your sins, and your evil deeds have been replaced
with good deeds.”❞
25 (Seventh) - Anas Ibn Maalik رضي الله عنه
narrated that the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ
said: ❝When you pass by the gardens of Paradise, then feast on
them.❞ They said: “And what are the gardens of
Paradise?” He ﷺ said: ❝The
circles (gatherings) where Allaah is remembered.❞ [8]
[1] Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree, Book No. 80 On Invocations, Chapter
No. 66: The superiority of Dhikr of Allaah, Ḥadeeth No. 6408
[2] Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim, Book No. 48: The Book Pertaining to the
Remembrance of Allaah, Supplication, Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness,
Chapter No 8: The Virtues Of Gathering To Remember Allaah, Hadeeth No. 2689
[3] Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (2700) and the wording is his, and Sunan
Ibn Maajah (3791).
[4] Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim (2699-38), Sunan al-Tirmidhee (2945), and
Sunan Ibn Maajah (225)
[5] Musnad Aḥmad (12453), and graded as “Ṣaḥeeḥ li
Ghairihee” by Shaikh al-Albaanee. See al-Ṣaḥeeḥah (2210), Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Targheeb
(1504). The verifiers of Musnad Aḥmad also graded this narration as “Ṣaḥeeḥ li
Ghairihee”. Al-Baihaqee narrated the same from the narration of `Abdullaah Ibn
Mughaffal رضي الله عنه in Shu`ab al-Imaan
(530), and was graded as “Ṣaḥeeḥ li Ghairihee” by Shaikh al-Albaanee in Ṣaḥeeḥ
al-Targheeb (1505)
[6] Some Texts mention his name as Suhail Ibn Ḥanẓhalah رضي الله عنه
[7] Al-Mu`jam al-Kabeer of Al-Ṭabaraanee (6039), and was
graded as “Ṣaḥeeḥ li Ghairihee” by Shaikh al-Albaanee in Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Jaami`
(5610) and Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Targheeb (1506).
[8] Sunan al-Tirmidhee (3510), and graded as “Ḥasan li Ghairihee” by Shaikh al-Albaanee. See al-Ṣaḥeeḥah (2562), Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Targheeb (1511). Note: Shaikh al-Albaanee رحمه الله had initially graded this Ḥadeeth as “Ḍha’eef” (Weak) in Ḍha’eef al-Jaami` (699), but due to collaborating narrations, he graded it as “Ḥasan li Ghairihee”
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